Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Two trucs

I should really be doing my homework right now.

No, like really.

I only have a few days left abroad, and it's getting to be that time where everything's due, and what am I doing?

Writing this blog.

Well, it's obviously not serious enough to make me stop writing, so let's move on.

Where were we?

Ah yes, La Tour Eiffel.

So, after La Tour Eiffel two really cool things happened.



You guys, I have never seen the likes of this in my life.

We were past the Eiffel Tower now, looking for the mini Statue of Liberty (you guys know the original was a gift from the French of course) when we stumbled upon this truc.

So, location: under a bridge. That was made pretty clear above, I think.

I'll explain the gym part.

At first glance, you might think you're looking at a playground.

False. *Dwight Schrute voice*

With the exception of some monkey bars, tiny stationary bikes and a mini rock climbing thing, everything else was some type of weird outdoors exercising equipment adults could use.

I mean good weird.

It was cool.

All the "cools."

For this post I'm just gonna be Abed.


Cool, cool, cool.

Anyways, I don't really remember any kids being around (maybe like one?). In fact, I distinctly remember an older gentleman on one of the devices.

We, of course, obnoxiously tried them out.

It was fun.

Anyways, after taking a hella lot of pictures on those things (more than necessary), we headed over to the mini Statue of Liberty.

It was cool, but well.


It was vandalized! (dun, dun, dun)

Right underneath (mini) Lady Liberty herself was a sign that I read "Libérez Nicolas."

Wow, I just realized that was intentional. With the whole "liberty" thing.

I need more sleep.

Anyways, it was hard to see the second word, but we believe that's what it was: Nicolas.

What the sign meant, je sais pas.

I mean, it means "Free Nicolas," but who is Nicolas?

And why does he need to be freed?

Sarkozy reference?

Again, je sais pas...



Before posting this, I thought of a little invention called Google, and now I have an answer!

And an interesting one at that.

According to, "Nicolas Bernard-Busse, Parisian student, 23, charged with rebellion during an unauthorized rally Sunday at Champs-Elysees, was sentenced Wednesday to two months in prison, the first sentence against protestors hostile to gay marriage to be accompanied by a warrant."

Original was in French. Thank you, Google translate.

I'm sure some of you know France recently legalized gay marriage.

Some people sort of freaked out.

That article is from late May, but it looks like his followers still had something to say.

Anyways, we were standing by the statue, taking pictures, talking...




Anyways, the guys standing in front of it started shaking hands with the police and started talking to them. Maybe they reported it?

I don't know.

j'sais pas moi.

Anyways, I tried to slyly take a picture, but lacked the common sense to take it vertically so I could get the police and the statue in the same shot (I realized it right afterward but didn't get the chance to take a good shot. Zut.)

When we finally left and got back to the bridge, we spotted some police by a white van.

They might have been getting ready to take the sign down.

Man, that woulda been cool to see.



No way I could deprive you guys of pictures for this one.


  1. Cool.

    Cool, cool, cool.

    I love Abed.

  2. Hahaha yes!! I was hoping some "Community" fans would get this!
